2015-12-01 7:24 AM
I have an stm32F746 configured to run @ 216-MHz. My primary memory is an sdram configured on the block 2 (address 0xD0000000).My memory tests (running from the flash) are all OK (many different tests under different environmental conditions (lower voltage, temperature, etc)).Now, as soon as I try to execute a small code downloaded into this sdram memory (I verified the code in the sdram), I have an immediate exception (Hard Fault).I tried many usual actions such as the reduction of the cpu speed, increased the memory timing etc. No way, I can safely read/write in the memory but I cannot execute any code.On my previous targets (stm32F429) I never had this behaviour. The address 0xD0000000 seems not to be under any cache control.So, any ideas of why I cannot execute programs on the sdram?RegardsEdo2015-12-01 8:16 AM
Hi Edo,
“So, any ideas of why I cannot execute programs on the sdram?�The SDRAM bank 2 starting from 0xD0000000 is a never execute area as it is mentioned in the Cortex®-M7 default mapping.So you need to modify the region attribute by using The Cortex®-M7 MPU.-Syrine-2015-12-01 8:48 AM
Hi Syrine,
Thank you for this information. Of course, you are right. However, and like for my previous M4 designs, I have swapped the bank using the following instruction. Now the memory is seen at the address 0x70000000. SYSCFG->MEMRMP = 0x400;With this instruction I still have some strange behaviours (even if the programs do not crache immediately). In this mode I have the impression that it is a cache issue.I don't know if the M7 at the start-up it has the caches activated. If yes, how to disable them before using the sdram? Of course, I decrease the performances, but at least I can continue to work.Edo2015-12-02 12:27 AM
Hi Edo,
1-You are using a custom board or an ST board?2-“I don't know if the M7 at the start-up it has the caches activated�By default, the Cortex®-M7 system caches (instruction and data caches) are disabled.3-I recommended you to have a look to the FMC_SDRAM_MemRemap project under the STM32Cube F7 package, the example guides you through the different configuration steps to use the IS42S32800G SDRAM memory (mounted on STM327x6G-EVAL revB evaluation board) as code execution memory.STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.2.0\Projects\STM32756G_EVAL\Examples\FMC\FMC_SDRAM_MemRemap-Syrine-2015-12-02 12:30 AM
Hi Syrine,
Thank you. Your information helped me to progress.For 1. No, I have my own designFor 2. OKFor 3. OK, I will check again.But in the meantime some progress:I changed the attributes of a portion of the sdram area and now I can execute program inside the sdram.I slowly progress but still remain a problem and maybe you will have an advise about.So, now I can execute code but I cannot use the same physical sdram for locating a stack (or other R/W data).As soon as my sdram running code access a data my system hangs (no exceptions!!).Here is my sdram mapping0xD00000000 - 0xD01FFFFF Heap0xD02000000 - 0xD05FFFFF Executable area0xD06000000 - 0xD07FFFFF Some data (images)In order to make executable the area 0xD02000000 - 0xD05FFFFF I modified the MPU in the following way// New attributes for the SDRAM area (0xD0200000)// Change the attribute only in the executable area MPU->CTRL = 0x00000000; // Disable the MPU MPU->RNR = 0x00000000; // Region 0 MPU->RBAR = 0xD0200000 | (1<<4) | (0<<0); // Address, valid & region 0 MPU->RASR = (0<<28) // Instruction fetches enabled | (3<<24) // Full access | (1<<19) // TEX: 001 Memory attribute | (1<<18) // S: 1 | (1<<17) // C: 1 | (1<<16) // B: 1 Sharable, Normal, // Outer and inner write-back. // Write and read allocate | (0<<8) // Sub-region is enabled | (22<<1) // 4-MB | (1<<0); // Region enable MPU->CTRL = (1<<2) // Enable the usage of all the // default map | (0<<1) // MPU disabled during faults | (1<<0); // MPU enabled __asm__ volatile ( ''dsb \n'' ''isb \n'' );What is the solution to make possible the usage of the sdram for execution code and simultaneously for storing data without troubles?Regards Edo2016-05-09 4:05 AM
Hi Edo,
that is exactly the problem I have at the moment. Could you (or somebody else) solve it in the meantime? Thanks, Johannes