2018-07-05 07:25 PM
I have a most interesting problem i am some what baffled to resolve. i am using an STM32F745IE CPU overall a very nice device. i have setup the CPU with a 25MHz primary crystal and a 32.768KHz crystal LSE solution. The RTC seems to be running at a much faster rate roughly 4 times faster.
Setting PREDIV_A to 0x7F and PREDIV_S to 0x00ff should give me a 1Hz clock. (127+1) x (255+1) = 32768.
However when i constantly read the TR register directly, not via the shadow register,and display i see the seconds count about 4 times higher than it should be. if i increase PREVIV_S to 0x0200 it works and gives me the right time. However this concerns me, clearly i have not set some thing up correctly.
Here is the basic code set up. I am not using HAL as the performance degradation is unacceptable as the unit is almost maxed out in its operation as it is so i need lean code.
// set up BDCR register
// enable RCC clock for the RTC using the LSE RCC->BDCR|=RCC_BDCR_LSEON; // enable the 32kHz crystal // wait until stable while((RCC->BDCR&RCC_BDCR_LSERDY)!=RCC_BDCR_LSERDY); // now select the correct clock source we are using the external 32kHz crystal LSE RCC->BDCR|=RCC_BDCR_RTCSEL_0; // now enable the RTC RCC->BDCR|=RCC_BDCR_RTCEN; // set the LSE drive bits for maximum drive RCC->BDCR|=RCC_BDCR_LSEDRV_0; RCC->BDCR|=RCC_BDCR_LSEDRV_1;// enable the power interface clock
RCC->APB1ENR|=RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN;// need to write enable these bits in CR1
PWR->CR1|=PWR_CR1_DBP; // enable write to RTC registers// enable backup regulator
PWR->CSR1|=PWR_CSR1_BRE; // now wait to make sure backup regulator is ready while((PWR->CSR1&PWR_CSR1_BRR)!=PWR_CSR1_BRR); // to access the RTC registers we need to write a Key to the RTC_WPR register RTC->WPR=0xca; RTC->WPR=0x53; // set init bit RTC->ISR|=RTC_ISR_INIT; // stop calendar counter and update // test for INITF flag = 1 when registers can be updated while((RTC->ISR&RTC_ISR_INITF)!=RTC_ISR_INITF); // we can now update the date registers // setup clock and prescalers asyncon to 128 sync to 256 = 32768 //RTC->PRER|=(127<<16); // set async value PREDIV_A to 128 //RTC->PRER|=255; // set sync value PREDIV_S to 256 RTC->PRER=0x003f0200; // clear init flag RTC->ISR&=~RTC_ISR_INIT; // stop calendar counter and updateAny comments appreciated.
2018-07-06 12:18 AM
Read back the RCC_BDCR and RTC registers you've written, and check.
Try to reduce the drive level. Output LSE onto a MCO and measure.
2018-07-06 07:27 AM
Should also be able measure internally on one of the TIM wired to LSE
>>I am not using HAL as the performance degradation is unacceptable as the unit is almost maxed out in its operation as it is so i need lean code.
Not sure initialization code is called frequently. Repeated RMW is not exactly efficient/lean, and not something the optimizer can fold.
Dump out the registers after set up to confirm expectations.
2018-07-08 01:53 AM
Hi, thanks for the comments. i configured the RTC_OUT on PC13 and measured the 1Hz which was 0.996Hz. So this has me confussed but it is working. i really do not like this situation, i like to know why things are not performaing as expected.
2018-07-08 08:40 AM
Aren't these N-1 values?
The default value is 0x007F00FF (ie 128 * 256 = 32768)
You have 64 * 513 = 32832
32768 / 32832 = 0.99805