2017-01-16 7:43 AM
A real simple questoin here,
I'm a hardware guy...
Looking at the stm32F7 data sheets, and using the fmc in NOR flash mode.
From the software perspective, would you have a lump of code that does the sequence of instructions to do the write to the NOR ?
I have a off the wall idea to use the NOR interface to access to an FPGA If I can have the NOR flash bus timings, without the overhead of the write instructions and poling , then that would be faster / lower latency than a SRAM interface due to the lack of synchronization needed.
2017-01-17 4:52 AM
Thanks Jan
Now I know what the FSMC is, that's been bugging me.
good idea on the nucleo board,
'just' need to convince the software people at the client..
Good point about the cube software,
I'm doing hardware, and once committed to a layout its a good few bob to correct a mistake of a wrong pin, and a good few weeks turn around. I'm using the cube software to cross check my pin choices.
FMC_BCRx.MWID, Yes missed that ,as the doc I was reading just has it as ' As needed'. But after your prompt, fund the definition, 10 for 32 bits. Uhm
Thank you