2014-04-27 11:47 AM
Hi all,
Is someone else tried to implement solution about Fatfs (sd card) on discovery card with SPI communication ? I triedhttp://eliaselectronics.com/reading-sd-cards-with-the-stm32f4-discovery/
with solution but never worked correctly ... f_mount() never answer, there is no time_out, soft is bloked !!! I'm very happy to received help about this. Thanks a lot Thierry2014-04-28 7:06 AM
I modified the SD SPI example (ST) for the F1 series to work with SDHC/HX cards, it was however pretty slow, and I've used SDIO on the F2/F4 parts.
Are you pin constrained to SPI? As I recall you can keep the SDIO in 1-bit mode on boards like the STM32F429I-DISCO which has a pin clash on the 4-bit implementation with the LCD Red signals.2014-04-30 5:32 PM
Hi, Thierry.
Why not try ? It contains recent fatfs0.10a(with SDIO/SPI HAL driver) and ton of tft-lcd drivers.