2012-08-31 06:23 AM
I have a porblem with the stm32f4 bootloader!
The initialisation of the bootloader via
USART1 (PA9/PA10) works so far.
I am using a stm32f4discovery-board.
The problem ist that it only works with very low baudrates.
I connected PB5, PC11 and PB11 to GND so that none of them toggles.
Furthermore I connected BOOT1 to GND and BOOT0 to 3,3 V before entering the bootloader-mode by pulling the NRST-PIN to GND for a short time.
If I send 0x7F with a baudrate of 2400 I recive an ACK (0x79) so there is no problem with flashing.
With a higher baudrate of 4800 it doesn’t send 0x79 as an answer but 0xFE.
Baud 9600: 0xFF
Baud 14400: no response
I supposed there is a problem with the autobaudrateadaption!
Using the bootloader demonstrator:
Baud 2400: recognized device
Until Baud 9600: unrecognized device
From Baud 14400: no response from target
First I used usb-ttl-converter.
Using a rs232-ttl-converter didn´t help although I measured the boudrate and it is exact !
So is there a way to increse the possible baudrate?
What might be the problem?
Thanks for your help!
2012-08-31 11:19 AM
Make sure you have it set for EVEN parity ie 8-E-1
2012-09-03 12:53 AM
My settings:
8 databits 1 stopbit parity even2012-09-03 01:02 AM
and of course one start bit...
Bootloader demonstrator has the right settings and it also doesn´t work with high baud rates. Are there any other sugestions?2012-09-04 12:29 AM
2012-09-04 12:08 PM
Use USART3 (PB.10, PB.11), these definitely work up to 115200,8E1
The PA.9 and PA.10 are used on the STM32F4-Discovery for the USB (VBUS, ID) functions. These do appear to conflict with desired operation.2012-09-26 07:03 AM
First there is a conflict of the C49 wich functions as lowpassfilter and wich doesn´t alow high baud rates. So it has to be removed! In the best case you have to connect the OUT-pin of the STMPS2141STR and the VBUS of USB without having any connection to PA9 if a use of USB
USART1 is nessesary. Second point is that R59 has to be taken from the Board so that the ID-pin of the USB and the PA10 do not conflict! While entering bootmode the DM-pin and the DP-pin of the USB have to be pulled LOW so that the USB is not recognized as bootdevice!