2014-02-04 12:37 PM
I recently noticed that Mouser is listing stock (delivery at end of Jan or 15 weeks lead time � so ordered mine hoping for sooner rather than later) of the STM32F429 � Yippee.
Not the 429Z I was thinking of using � Damn. It�s the 429I, so 176 pins instead of 144. Extra Pins! Yippee. So time to get working on the schematic, as my rats nest prototype seems to be behaving itself but could do with a major redesign for the additional features that are on my wish list. So for others who like myself, like using Altium but can�t justify the �900 subscription for the occasional new IC, here is the schematic and pad layout for the STM32F429Ix. NOTE: The attached files have been compiled from datasheets and may contain typo�s so if you choose to use them treat the information as Provisional. I will update the post when I get the chips soldered to the PCB. No Ibis info as the only link I could find on the ST Website seems to be broken. #32f429-altium-schematic-footpri2014-04-08 1:43 PM
Above files checked OK (including the compulsory typo ? FMC RAS labelled as 2nd FMC CAS).
Now to assemble the PCB?s and get down to porting the experimental code from my handwired prototype boards to something a little more professional. Below is a pic of my Raspberry pi expansion board. Components: 2 x STM32F429 2 x Cyclone iii FPGA 2 x Forward facing Camera ports 1 x DCMI port 1 x Motor control and feedback port Assorted JTAG, programming and breakout ports Raspberry pi interface.