2018-08-09 5:59 AM
Hi guys,
If i use R0.11 fatfs library with cubemx 4.21 verison, f_mount is work. But i upgrade my cubemx version to 4.26.1. Then i create sdio project. But f_mount(&SDFatFs, (TCHAR SDPath, 1) is not work with fatfs library version R0.12c.
What can i do for solution this problem.
Thanks, good work...
2018-08-09 8:41 PM
>>What can i do for solution this problem.
Not use CubeMX? The code examples under the HAL/Cube trees deem to be relatively solid, use those, or use diff/merge tools to review differences between working/not-working exemplars.
2018-08-09 11:23 PM
Thanks for reply,
Yes i use cubemx. My question is why i use cubemx 4.21 f_mount(&myfat, SDPath, 1) is success but if i use cubemx 4.26.1 f_mount(&myfat, SDPath, 1) is not working.
I think this is a small bug..
Good work..