2015-11-25 10:08 AM
I have an issue to which I cant find a solution.I'm working with different UARTs, and I find a problem. If I use them using HAL_UART_Receive_IT, everything works ok, HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback is called, etc etc.But when using HAL_UART_Receive_DMA, some UARTs work (ie UART5), but some others dont work, and I cant figure out why (ie: UART6, UART7).Does anyone know something about this issue?Thank you very much.Fernando #stm32-uart-dma2015-11-25 2:20 PM
2015-11-26 3:05 AM
Thank you very much Aaron!
I will try and see whats my problem... I beleive that my problem has to be something related to certain flags not been cleared before starting the DMA RX call... because this problem happens in UARTs where the other side of the UART sends data all the time, even before I start the DMA call... what do you think?Thank you again, I will check this later.Fernando