2018-09-30 6:41 AM
I've been reviewing AN5027 (Interfacing PDM digital microphones using STM32) and am a little unclear about a 4x2ch mic configuration using 4 of the SPI/I2S peripherals available on the F412.
Looking at the figure below, could I connect all 4 stereo pairs to the same timer clock output but 4 different I2S_SD lines?
Also, the SPI block shows it connecting to SPIx_MOSI. Shouldn't this be MISO?
2018-09-30 9:33 AM
>>Also, the SPI block shows it connecting to SPIx_MOSI. Shouldn't this be MISO?
Would depend if the STM32 is configured as a Slave
2018-09-30 4:05 PM
Hmm the image didn't seem to paste properly from my phone. Trying again from my computer. In any case the description for this figure says "the SPI block is configured in master receiver mode".
2018-10-01 3:18 AM
>>Also, the SPI block shows it connecting to SPIx_MOSI. Shouldn't this be MISO?
> Would depend if the STM32 is configured as a Slave
Also, if it would be configured as SPI or I2S - in I2S mode, there's only on data pin, and its direction depends not on whether it's Master or Slave, but whether it's set as Transmitter or Receiver.