2016-08-21 1:36 AM
I was wondering if anyone is able to provide the following:
- A link to the prebuilt existing image as originally supplied with the STM32F411E discovery boards. Preferably as a single file, but failing that clear directions on how to obtain it (eg. download link and specific file to look for). - A link to a set of simple step-by-step known working instructions that can be followed by a small child to flash this image to the STM32F411E board. - A link to a simple minimal example in source code form that blinks a single LED on this board on and off. - A link to a set of simple step-by-step known working instructions that can be followed by a small child to build an image from this source and flash this image to the STM32F411E board. Preferred environment is Linux (arm-none-eabi-gcc, gdb-arm-none-eabi, openocd, and texane stlink installed) given the choice, but at this point I'll do it on an abacus if it is viable.2016-08-21 7:38 AM
I've attached a .HEX file with the original F411-DISCO board to this post. You'd download a copy of the ST-LINK Utilities, load the file into that, and then program it. ie File->Open, Target->Program
________________ Attachments : F411E-DISCO.hex : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Hzmu&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bPd%2FgSC.DmdToix6yWPdD5_RXcOg6_R.M_Yhk0qLLt3ExP0&asPdf=false2016-08-22 5:51 AM
Thankyou Clive1 for taking the time to track the image down and put together a quick list of instructions, much appreciated.
I've taken the attached file, downloaded the ST-Link V2 software on Windows, installed the device driver, fired up the ST-Link utility, and followed the steps you provided with some minor changes. Everything worked beautifully. The installation files I used were from here: http://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/products/development-tools/hardware-development-tools/development-tool-hardware-for-mcus/debug-hardware-for-mcus/debug-hardware-for-stm32-mcus/st-link-v2.html Some additional context that was missing from my original post: I've been trying to get things going on a Linux box with the arm-none-eabi toolset, and not having a lot of luck. I have been struggling with both my unfamiliarity with the platform and some intermittent hardware issues. I'd reached the point where I really needed to go back, confirm a working environment with the best-supported tools, and be able to program something that I could use to confirm that the program has worked. Any sort of LED blinker would suit, but having the same image that I had seen working on the board previously would have been be ideal. Thankyou for your post and for getting me back onto the right track. This gives me a lot to experiment with. Being armed with a known working case will hopegully mean that I can figure out what has been going wrong thus far. ... So, it looks like I'm well-covered for the first two questions now. :) In asking the latter two questions in my original post, I was hoping to get a better idea as to the best place to start in order to get a trivial image running. Being new to the platform, I do not yet know the best-supported toolchain, nor the best-supported level to come in at (eg. low-level, CMSIS, HAL, something else?) yet. Having one solid working example means that I can use this to diagnose problems with less trivial examples, as well as giving me a foundation on which I can build further. Any thoughts welcome. :)2016-08-22 5:53 AM
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2016-08-22 6:07 AM
As IDE, I recommend you to select the
free toolchain which can be used on Linux platform.Pre-configured projects for SW4STM32 and other IDEs are available in the Cube package. The demonstration you are looking for is under STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.13.0\Projects\STM32F411E-Discovery\Demonstrations.-Mayla-To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2016-08-22 7:28 AM
I use the Standard Peripheral Library (SPL), with Keil, in Windows. It is uncomplicated.
I can build things with makefiles and GNU/GCC, and have published a couple of examples of doing that with STM32F4-DISCO boards, although admittedly not the 411E. I wouldn't be that hard to fashion an example build that would blink the LEDs, or output to a serial connector on anhttp://www.newark.com/stmicroelectronics/stm32f4dis-bb/expansion-stm32f4-cortex-m4-for/dp/47W1731
or via the SWV2016-08-24 4:32 AM