2013-06-10 6:00 AM
I need to make MSD USB interface to read data from SD Card. Its my first attempt to mass storage class. I'm using fatfs library (http://elm-chan.org) with LFN option. Im looking for some examples for fatfs (I dont want to use SDIO). I have only example files for my discovery board - only Device. Could you help me? Regards.2013-06-10 6:53 AM
Doesn't the ''Demonstration Builder'' firmware for the STM32x0G-EVAL board materially do this?
2013-06-10 7:07 AM
Can you give me any link ?
I cant find any useful information about STM32X0G and its Demonstartion programs.2013-06-10 7:50 AM
The Board page
The Design Resources tab, Associated Software ''http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF258142
STM32F2 and STM32F4 demonstration builder platform
'' The file2013-06-10 8:23 AM
This project is so HUGE !
I dont even know where to start... It also uses SDIO.2013-06-10 9:30 AM
This project is so HUGE !I dont even know where to start... It also uses SDIO.
No, I'm pretty sure there is FatFs / USB - MSC code in the disk_read() code it's using (not in diskio.c)