2013-01-10 11:43 PM
Where is the documentation for STM32F4's MPU. The datasheet only briefly mentions it and it's non-existent in the reference manual. The Standard Peripheral Library 1.0.1 only has some CMSIS code but that's it. Am I missing something?
#stm32f4-mpu2013-01-11 12:10 AM
Would PM0214, ''STM32F3xxx and STM32F4xxx Cortex-M4 programming manual'' suffice ?
A Google search brought this up. Additionally, I could recommend the ARM info site athttp://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.dui0553a/Cihjddef.html
2013-01-11 08:10 AM
That's what I needed. Thanks.