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STM32F4 internal reset pulse generator not working

Associate II
Posted on November 18, 2016 at 14:39

Hello great STM forum,

in the last 6 months I was developing and manufacturing about 30 units with STM32F427 in LPQF 144 package.

In the meantime I realized the same behaviour on 3 different boards on different production batches and with different STM production codes on the STM chips:

The internal reset pulse generator is not working and therefore no one of the internal reset causes (watchdog, software reset, etc.) will  take place (see RM0090, chapter 6.1.2, figure 4).

An external reset on the NRST pin to GND works like it should work, the NRST line normally sits perfect on VDD due to the internal pullup resistor.

The �C was working totally fine, it was just the interal reset which was not working.

I just realized this that when flashing with KEIL IDE and (original) STM STLink the IDE told me that it could not reset the chip.

Changing the KEIL IDE to reset the chip with the ''HW reset'' was able to flash the chip perfectly.

But any watchdog activities and other internal resets software generated would not take place on the defective boards/�C.

As I could see from the STM documentation the NRST pin is capable of sinking 5mA via its internal (MOS-)FET transistor (see en.DM00071990 table 15).

So question number 1:

Will it break the MOSFET if NRST pin is externally connected to VDD if an internal reset (its just limited 20�s) will get generated? I do not want to test this on purpose before asking - the STM32F427 is quite expensive - so if anybody has some experience with this it would be quite helpful for me. Otherwise I will do some tests in the near future.

''clive1'' mentioned in ''STM32F4 does not self-reset on power up; BOOT0 is tied to GND'' that ''Driving NRST by an external push-pull driver will break the device's reset mechanism.''

Does ''break'' mean the hardware (STM32) will get defective or just the �C will not reset like it should do?

I�m not sure and I did not have a detailed look on the STLink schematics, but maybe STLink is driving the NRST pin with a push pull stage instead of a open drain circuitry and therefore is able to damage the �C.

(but i do not think so - this would probably cause a nightmare for STM?!)

Question number 2:

Because there is nearly no chance that something could lead to the situation that is described before (connecting NRST to a VDD level externally) on my boards, I�m asking myself if it is possible that my externally mounted 100nF MLCC capacitor from NRST to GND (like suggested by STM as ''recommended NRST pin protection) could lead to a broken internal reset transistor in the �C because the instantaneous current to discharge a fully VDD loaded capacitor is way above 5mA!

This situation is just for a short period, but anyway - maybe it could kill the internal FET because it is like a short time short circuit from GND to VDD.

And because I found a lot of issues here were the NRST is not working properly I could imagine there is an issue with broken internal reset transistors which are permanently closed, permanently open or half open/close which will lead to strange situations.

Could it be that this internal reset transistor is a very sensitive one?

On all working boards an internally generated reset (software reset, watchdog, etc.) generates a 20�s low level pulse on the NRST pin which will increase exponentially up to VDD again (for sure depending on the externally capacitor and the internal pull up resistior.)

I was searching all STM errata sheets and could not find anything.

By the way: In all of the 3 mentioned situations - changing the STM32F427 on the board was curing the situation, so there was no problem with the board itself. Also PC13, PC14 & PC15 are not connected on the board.

I would appreciate to find some fellows or get any valuable information...

Best regards,


#tldr #stm32-nrst-internal-reset
Posted on November 18, 2016 at 16:47

The formatting chosen makes this very hard to read, I skimmed it.

The primary cause for the reset failing is it being driven high externally by some push-pull driver. The pin is bi-directional, expecting only a open-drain/collector type configuration. Consider also what else the NRST net touches.

This is a user forum, if you have some component level issues you will need to be talking to ST via your sales and distribution channels, and the FAE assigned to your account.

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Associate II
Posted on November 18, 2016 at 20:27

I highly would appreciate if somebody could give me any advice how to get in contact with a STM FAE - I´m buying my parts from Farnell/Element14 and do not know how to contact a FAE. Even as a professional hardware and software developer it is not that easy to get in contact with FAEs when you´re just in the low quantity business ;-)

Associate II
Posted on November 18, 2016 at 20:29

Thank you Clive, for responding - I tried to reformat my issue and hope it´s better to read now.

My main question is: Is it possible that a charged external capacitor could damage the internal reset MOSFET?

The STM recommended cap to filter NRST is 100nF to GND - this is the one I´m also using.

But if I would use a much greater cap, for exampe 1F, then this cap definitely leads to a long lasting and very high current which in my opinion could destroy the internal reset MOSFET in the same way like an external driven push pull driver could do.

Unfortunatelly I do not have any contacts to FAEs, therefore it would be great if I could get any informations or issues on similar behaviours.

I actually do not have big trouble because I desoldered and resoldered the problematic boards with a new µC and they work fine now, but it bugs me a bit that I do not have any idea why this internal reset transistor gets defect on about 10% of all boards while in production...

Associate II
Posted on November 18, 2016 at 20:58

BTW, the NRST is only wired to the JTAG connector and there is only the 100nF capacitor to GND connected to it, nothing else and very simple...

VDD is a very stable, filtered and quite fast settling 3,3V supply voltage.

Posted on November 19, 2016 at 15:27

Can't say I've seen these types of failures on the F205 and F405 I've been building. Can you boundary scan the boards, or inspect/xray for soldering issues?

You could try pushing in through a local ST sales office, or using the Online Support system. They really need a ''Register Project'' online form like u-Blox to at least start a conversation, and understand the end customers, especially those behind Farnell, Mouser, DigiKey, etc. I'd recommend exchanging business cards at the STM32 seminars locally.

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Associate II
Posted on November 19, 2016 at 22:50

Excuse me for being irrelevant, I'm new here and don't know how to create a new post! Can you guide me with that?

Posted on November 19, 2016 at 23:07

Excuse me for being irrelevant, I'm new here and don't know how to create a new post! Can you guide me with that?

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Posted on November 19, 2016 at 23:14

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Associate II
Posted on November 19, 2016 at 23:38
