2013-01-09 4:40 AM
2013-01-09 6:11 PM
Is this a hard question ? Did I post in the wrong forum or does no one like me anymore ?
If its a mal formed question or I'm being lazy please feel free to tell me. I was planning on trying different streams and seeing if I could trial and error it into working; however, I could use standard methods to transmit the data in a blocking way if this is not an easy thing to solve and may take a large amount of time. It was my impression you simply start clock, setup dma, enable its, enable dma and it would work. I've setup several dma transfers on the stm32f1.. without issue, even more difficult ones driven by external clocks etc. Anyway thanks for reading, if you have any suggestions please chime in.2013-01-09 7:10 PM
No it's just a forum with a general dearth of people answering questions, and those that do are often busy with their own work.
Ok, so USART2_TX surely you should be using DMA1 Channel4 Stream6? Honestly not sure where you plucked Channel0 Stream0 from. There is a table in RM0090 which associates the resources. Yes, it also looks like the DMA direction is backward.2013-01-10 8:16 AM
No it's just a forum with a general dearth of people answering questions, and those that do are often busy with their own work.
- Well if I might say it is very active and very helpful. I have responded to a few posts but I'm wary of giving information that may be counter productive because its wrong. It seems like you answer almost every question on these forums, thanks 1000 times over. I know I'll never be able to help you because you know all the answers. Ok, so USART2_TX surely you should be using DMA1 Channel4 Stream6? Honestly not sure where you plucked Channel0 Stream0 from. There is a table in RM0090 which associates the resources.- I suspected there was something like this, but had no idea so I just picked the zeroth one. Thanks that was the much needed info I required ! Yes, it also looks like the DMA direction is backward.ooops :( thats the thing when you dont know what the issue is you start changing stuff in the wrong location and you break it more !No it's just a forum with a general dearth of people answering questions, and those that do are often busy with their own work.
Ok, so USART2_TX surely you should be using DMA1 Channel4 Stream6? Honestly not sure where you plucked Channel0 Stream0 from. There is a table in RM0090 which associates the resources.Yes, it also looks like the DMA direction is backward.2013-03-15 9:10 AM
What actually determines which pin is used for TX, and which is used for RX? From the looks of the code, it's choosing GPIOA pins 2,3, but nothing explicitly sets pin2 as TX / pin3 as RX. Is there a reference in RM0090 I haven't found yet?
Thanks,AJB2013-03-15 9:30 AM
The pin is escaped through the AF pin muxing fabric by GPIO_PinAFConfig()
The pinning information is usually from the Data Manual (DM, aka Data Sheet) of the specific part being used, rather than the Reference Manual. For example Google/Bing ''STM32F407VG''http://www.st.com/web/catalog/mmc/FM141/SC1169/SS1577/LN11/PF252140
See page 58, Table 8 Alternate function mappinghttp://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/datasheet/DM00037051.pdf
2013-03-15 9:55 AM
Ahh, perfect. Thanks for the help. All your comments throughout the forums have been quite helpful. With my attention span, it's hard to sift through hundreds of pages of documentation.