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STM32F4-Discovery Audio playback and record example USB problem

Posted on April 20, 2012 at 16:43


I am beginner with STM32F4-Discovery. I loaded some examples to flash, all worked, but can't play ''audio.wav'' wave audio file from USB key nor record ''rec.wav'' with ''audio player and recorder example''. Program goes over USBH_Process(&USB_OTG_Core, &USB_Host) in main.c, and cycles here forever, no blue led ligths up, no sound, no switch to recording mode. It seems like something wrong with usb flash connection initialization, because USBH_Process function in usbh_core.c repeats at ''volatile USBH_Status status = USBH_FAIL'' after ''case HOST_ERROR_STATE:''. How I can fix this, or what I did wrong?
Associate II
Posted on August 22, 2014 at 10:46


    I am also facing the problem, Anybody please come up with a solution.

Associate II
Posted on August 22, 2014 at 11:11

Is there any version of FW for ECLIPSE IDE??


Atollic is Eclipse-based, so it is as close as you can get.

However, you need to come to grips with your IDE. Of course you need to adapt the project for your environment, because your plain Eclipse is not aware of Atollic-specific settings. Especially set the paths to the sources and header files correctly.

If you do not want to use Atollic (or another of the directly supported toolchains) it is best to create a new, matching project from scratch, and import/include all required files manually.

Associate II
Posted on August 23, 2014 at 07:36


I tried to build a project using the provided source code in Eclipse IDE.

Added all the files related to USB. Now I am stuck with an error ''

../src/diskio.c:26:29: error: 'USB_OTG_Core_dev' undeclared (first use in this function)

''. I searched in all the files, but couldnt find a define '


'. Please let me know what value shall i define for 'USB_OTG_Core_dev'.

Posted on August 23, 2014 at 12:21

Perhaps you're not supposed to be using that file? Have you looked at the construction of any other of the projects for the supported tool chains? They are in ASCII, and human readable..

Perhaps you should be using STM32F4-Discovery_FW_V1.1.0\Libraries\STM32_USB_HOST_Library\Class\MSC\src\usbh_msc_fatfs.c ? and not diskio.c (a generic form)

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Associate II
Posted on August 24, 2014 at 11:09

I have created my  own project in Eclipse as you suggested.

Compiling the project after adding all the files related to USB ,I got the following error:

/src/usb/usb_dcd.c:93:7: error: '


' has no member named '



I have gone through all the files ,


is used in many places (pdev->dev.device_status = USB_OTG_DEFAULT;  pdev->dev.device_address = 0;) but it is not declared anywhere. 

Posted on August 24, 2014 at 15:04

Odd then, that the project in Keil, using the correct files, compiles just fine....

Perhaps you should read my previous advice more slowly, instead of dumping all the files you can find into the project?


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Associate II
Posted on August 25, 2014 at 06:39

Its clear now, I may have added unwanted files!!!

Please let me know the list of  header files also.

Posted on August 25, 2014 at 15:29

Please let me know the list of header files also.

This seems to involve a lot of work on my part to do your job. Attached is a dependency tree, in ASCII, parse it with AWK or PERL


Attachments :

Audio_playback_and_record_MEDIA_USB_KEY.dep :
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Associate II
Posted on August 26, 2014 at 09:06


Please bear with me if I ask any foolish questions. I have been sitting on this for last two week because this is an important  part of my project.

As u suggested I have removed all the unused files from my project.Now i m getting an error

../src/usb/diskio.c:26:29: error: 'USB_OTG_Core_dev' undeclared (first use in this function).


is included in


 . i dont know where is USB_OTG_Core_dev defined 

Posted on August 26, 2014 at 15:53

Stop using DISKIO.C isn't not part of the project, I told you this last week. The functions declared in diskio.H are implemented in another file.

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