2015-03-28 10:55 PM
Dear All,
When I enter the IP address of my network printer on web browser, it shows page which contains print counter and more which I taken prints from the printer. So my project is connect the STM32F4 MCU to network printer then show the copy counter on the LCDPlease advise to success this project Please advise step to I should followThanks in advance2015-03-29 4:01 AM
You can configure your STM device with ethernet.
Then, you can periodically make connections to your known IP for your printer.You can use TCP requests as a CLIENT to your printer which is SERVER.Data he returns you back (print counter and so on) you parse easily and display on LCD.This library should help you a lot for ethernet using TCP client:http://stm32f4-discovery.com/2015/02/library-52-ethernet-peripheral-on-stm32f4xx/
2015-03-29 7:03 AM
Dear majerle Thanks for the reply
That mean can we access the printer data without browser2015-03-29 8:58 AM
You can check the page html source code when you access printer with browser.
The page contain a request for printer data (counter...). Form the STM device you must send this http request (post or get to the printer) and decode the printer reply With firefox browser the traffic request/reply can be easily view with firebug addon But also wireshark can be used for traffic analysis