2012-11-18 5:16 AM
May I ask for help about setting up VCP with one?I am currently looking over the files of STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib_V3.4.0 (under virtual com port). I can't seem to understand how to tailor it with STM32F3Discovery. Or is it even possible to use it with STM32F3? Can anyone help me understand how to use the library with other USB capable STM32's? I am using IAR starter.I am very new to STM32 MCUs. Just opened my STM32F3Discovery this week. I choose this board because of its included sensors. The objective simply to forward the readings of the sensor to a host PC. The data gathered will be used for academic purposes. So, for now, I wanted to connect it first with my PC through VCP.Than you very much.2012-11-18 6:52 AM
I'd probably start with the OTG library, and merge in the F3 firmware library.
And see if that works. Can't help you with IAR, could probably built a GNU or Keil project.2012-11-18 7:03 PM
Thank you sir... I have also looked into that library but I can't still figure out which of those source files are to be modified for stm32f3 (stm32F303). But I'll dig deeper...Kiel, would be fine for me... I just downloaded and installed one. I seems I like their IDE more. And since I am very new to this, I can basically pick and shift another IDE and/or toolchain. If it is not much to ask, can you make a sample project for me...?Thank you very much once again.2012-11-19 7:29 AM
Reviewing the code it looks to be closer to the older 3.4.0 track (now 4.0 mentioned in F3-Discovery firmware). Odd that ST doesn't have some examples, trying to merge something together, might take a day of two.
2012-11-25 6:35 PM
Hi clive,
I wonder, that if you can still make that sample code... I am still in need of those. I mean, if you just have some time for it. thanks.The most concerning issue for me, actually, is the 'How tos' of the firmware usage. I wanted to know how do we pick those source/headers that we needed. It just seem to me that there is no documentation provided by ST. OR, I am just really that lost. Some experienced 32-bitters users told me that firmwares provided by manufacturers for such MCUs are ''overwhelming'' for noobs. I may be that beginner! :)2012-11-26 6:15 AM
. There is mainly the firmware package with various examples and the documentation describing how to use it. If you need the VCP driver, you can get it fromhttp://www.st.com/internet/com/SOFTWARE_RESOURCES/SW_COMPONENT/SW_DRIVER/stm32_vcp.zip
. I hope that this brings some help to you and I don't repeat things that you already know :). Cheers, STOne-322013-02-14 8:01 AM
Hi Bobot,
I have the same problem trying to figure out what bits of the source code I need to use. Have you been able to figure out how to get the virtual com port code working with the STM23F3discovery?2013-02-14 11:00 AM
V4 of the USB FS Device library has been released since this thread started. That has a virtual com port example. Haven't had cause to look it over yet.
2013-02-22 8:37 PM
Can you post the link to the v4 of USB FS library for STM32F37x devices ?
After the ST website has been upgraded to the new site, I am unable to find it. Also many of the application notes are now the older versions which don't have any mention of F3 in them and they appear under the STM32F3 microcontroller page. Google cache has the newer versions of AN pdfs then the ST site.2013-02-23 5:59 AM
Yeah, they seem to have made it impossibly difficult to find. I'll post the one I downloaded previously to my share.