2016-07-18 6:40 AM
How many channels can be used for a SDADC module in single ended zero refrence mode? eight?In CUBEMX,when I configure the channels of one SDADC module all into single-ended zero refrence mode, warning appears that there is conflict bettween channels.Thanks in advance for any explanation.Regards.2016-07-18 8:02 AM
This issue should be related to your configuration.I suggest to you to start with this manual and , this can help you to configure and use this driver.Regards2016-07-18 8:41 AM
Thank you. In fact,I have read manuals you mentioned.What puzzles me is if there is conflict bettwen each other when I configure all channels into single ended zero refrence mode?From manual RM0313(page 231), it seems to me that its ok for my configuration.But how to explain the warning CUBEMX shows.Regards.2016-07-20 3:54 AM
I confirm that all (eight) channels can be used for a SDADC module in single ended zero refrence mode. The warning appears as the 'Differential' mode can't be used for other channels.Regards2016-09-18 11:12 PM