2014-02-10 8:48 AM
I've downloaded the custom-hid program on the STM32F3 Discovery . I've alsoinstalled the usb hid demonstrator. But it doesn't recognise any 'USBHID target'. How can I make the host talkto my board? Will it happen automatically if the program is fine when Irun it or should I have to make some change in Windows 8 settings?I'm using KeilµVision4.Thanks in advance.2014-05-31 7:58 AM
In the system I can see the new device like USB device input
but inside of USB Hid Dem. I cannot see it: Thanks in advance.2014-06-02 2:11 AM
I must confess that I am not that familiar with the FS driver, I know the OTG drivers better. ''I can't find the routines that handles this. There is only the function that handles EVAL_COM1 global interrupt request.'' A quick browse through the driver code/example ( VirtualComport_Loopback ), it looks to me like the code is in usb_endp.c In funcs EP1_IN_Callback () EP3_OUT_Callback()