2014-02-10 8:48 AM
I've downloaded the custom-hid program on the STM32F3 Discovery . I've alsoinstalled the usb hid demonstrator. But it doesn't recognise any 'USBHID target'. How can I make the host talkto my board? Will it happen automatically if the program is fine when Irun it or should I have to make some change in Windows 8 settings?I'm using KeilµVision4.Thanks in advance.2014-02-12 7:37 AM
I've downloaded the custom-hid program on the STM32F3 Discovery . I've alsoinstalled the usb hid demonstrator. But it doesn't recognise any 'USBHID target'. How can I make the host talkto my board? Will it happen automatically if the program is fine when Irun it or should I have to make some change in Windows 8 settings? I'm using KeilµVision4. Thanks in advance.2014-02-12 9:22 AM
Windows 8 will not run ''Unsigned Drivers'' unless specifically overridden to do so.
2014-02-12 9:50 AM
Think you clive1 for your replay. In fact, i used the Custom_Hid of STM32303C_EVAL into my Discovery F3 with any configurations change. This would be the problem ?
When i tried the USB-FS-Device Mouse example for the DiscF3, i can see it with the USB HID demonstrator.Windows 8 will not run ''Unsigned Drivers'': I did it when i want to install the St-link module.
2014-02-12 10:11 AM
I don't have any specific understanding of HID devices, I would however recommend XP or Win7 as a platform to do initial experimentation under, Win8 will just compound any headaches you are having.
2014-02-12 10:31 AM
I tried also with XP but the same problem. I m making certain modifications in the sources code to adapt them with the F3 discovery, i will see if it would change something.
2014-02-17 3:23 AM
Hello again,
I've ported the Custom HID Demo of the STM32303C_EVAL to the Discovery but my board can't be recognized, i tried it with different OS(wind8, wind7, XP) but always the same problem.The mouse example works fine.Should i install a specific driver for this stuff ?Thanks in advance2014-02-17 4:41 AM
''The mouse example works fine.'' ''I've ported the Custom HID Demo of the STM32303C_EVAL to the Discovery'' If the original demo works - then the USB HID driver on the Host is OK. The problem is with your ''Custom HID demo'' ! Look at the differences between the working example HID demo and your custom HID demo.2014-02-18 9:24 AM
Ok,sung.chen_chung, thanks for your answer, i'll try to fix that.
But, i still have a question about VirtualCOMPort example of STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib_V4.0.0. in Readme file it says that:This demo is using two different methods for the IN and OUT transfers in order to manage the data rate difference between USB and USART buses: - OUT transfers (from Host to Device): When a packet is received from the host on the OUT pipe (EP3), the Endpoint callback function is called when the transfer is complete and all the received data are then sent through USART peripheral in polling mode. This allows all incoming OUT packets to be NAKed till the current packet is completely transferred through the USART interface. - IN transfers (from Device to Host): For IN data, a large circular buffer is used. USART and USB respectively write and read to/from this buffer independently. USART RXNE interrupt is used to write data into the buffer. This interrupt has the highest priority, which allows to avoid overrun and data loss conditions. USB IN endpoint (EP1) is written with the received data into the SOF interrupt callback. I can't find the routines that handles this. There is only the function that handles EVAL_COM1 global interrupt request.2014-05-31 7:47 AM
I have also the same problem .. but under win7-64.
I cannot see any HID device. What i can do?