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STM32F3 Series Oversampling

Associate II

Hi.  We use the STM32F3 series for a number of products.  We were hoping to implement oversampling for the two ADC's based upon the Application Note AN5537, which indicated in Table 1 that the STM32F3 series has the oversampling engine on chip.  However I cant seem to find the registers typically used for this, or the X-CUBE-ADC_OVSP mentioned in the note.  Apologies if I am missing something obvious here but any guidance would be appreciated.  The intended MCU is the STM32F303K8T6.  Thank you.

ST Employee

It is better to start from an example from ST if available.

Below I find one for your reference which is based on STM32L0 (it claims "This example has been tested with STM32L0538-DISCO RevB board and can be easily tailored to any other supported device and development board"):

STM32CubeL0/Projects/32L0538DISCOVERY/Examples/ADC/ADC_OverSampler at master · STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeL0 · GitHub


I have used that feature in the STM32L0, but I have not seen it in the STM32F.

It maybe a documentation error in AN5537, or an undocumented feature of STM32F.

Kind regards

AI = Artificial Intelligence, NI = No Intelligence, RI = Real Intelligence.
Lead III

> We were hoping to implement oversampling for the two ADC's based upon the Application Note AN5537, which indicated in Table 1 that the STM32F3 series has the oversampling engine on chip.

"Oversampling" would not be the correct term.
The F3xx MCUs have 2 to 4 ADCs, which can operate in a so-called "dual mode".
This is basically an interleaved operation, effectively doubling the sampling rate.
I'm pretty sure the "old" SPL for the F303 discovery board has examples for this mode.
Even if not, this mode isn't very complex to implement on your own.

OTOH, this requires not only two inputs of separate ADCs to sample the same voltage, but also an analogue design appropriate for the respective sample rate (up to about 5Msps).