2015-02-09 7:34 AM
Hi at all,
I would try to program a custom made board with STM32f205RCT7 micro onboard via SWD .I got an SWD connector with vdd,gnd,swdio,swclk,nrst.No pull up or pull down on swdio pin , 10k ohm pull up on nrst and 1nF to GND.10k ohm pull down on BOOT 0 .I am use STM32 ST-LINK utility ( Connection protocol SWD).This is the message I get :15:11:46 : ST-LINK Firmware version : V2J22S415:11:46 : Connected via SWD.15:11:46 : Connetion mode : Connect Under Reset.15:11:46 : Device ID:0x411 15:11:46 : Device flash Size : 256KBytes15:11:46 : Device family :STM32F2xx15:11:46 : Can not connect to device!I tried to remove nrst 1nF capacitor but it did not help.I tried on 2 different boards, is it the same problem.The Vcc is OK. Vcap_1 and Vcap_2 1.2 V . I am check swdio,swclk,nrst with oscilloscope and it looks good.I have another board (very same to the first , base on STM32f205RCT6 and SWD connection too) and its work perfect in the same setup.2015-02-09 9:05 AM
Check the state of BOOT0 and BOOT1, try connecting BOOT0 high.
Check if you can access the System Loader via serial connection to USART1 or USART3. Check SWD is used, not JTAG. Check ''Connect under Reset'', etc. Check mundane stuff like soldering. Check other threads on similar issues.2015-02-10 2:05 AM
Thanks for your reply.BOOT 0 and BOOT 1 is low.If I change BOOT0 to high it is the same problem.System Loader via serial connection to USART1 not work too.I am connect with SWD and ''Connect under Reset''15:11:46 : Connected via SWD.15:11:46 : Connetion mode : Connect Under Reset.I am try connected via JTAG interface (connect TDO,TRST,TDI whith pullup)and it not connected.I'm replaced CPU and check soldering .2015-02-10 2:47 AM
If I change BOOT0 to high it is the same problem.
System Loader via serial connection to USART1 not work too.
Try several times, with different baud rates. When I had done this, it failed sometimes at first.I'm replaced CPU and check soldering .
Doesn't sound really good... If you have another, working board, try booting into system mode with this board first (to check the other hardware/software involved). If that works, re-check your soldering.