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stm32f2xx interrupts working only in debug mode

Posted on June 03, 2013 at 01:29

I'm trying to output vga signal using timer1 ch1 for hsync, ch2 for interrupt (horizontal backporch) and timer3 ch2 for vsync and ch3 for interrupt (vertical backporch). I'm using E0-E2 pins for direct output and I can get stable lines of colors, but only after I go into debug mode and run twice (after observing NVIC registers, they are blank and setup only after first run and active after second). Pins D12-D15 are used to signal the place in program (12 for end of main, 14 for tim3 interrupt and 15 for tim1 interrupt).

Here's the code:

Don't know what else to try.

Thanks for the help.

P.S. I'm using Keil uVision and J-Link JTAG.
