2011-09-06 8:17 AM
I am working on a STM32F207 micro controller on a personal Borad.I use 2 USB - A usb OTG on internal phy of pin PA9, PA10, PA12 andPA13 with a mini AB connector This is the same use onthe eval board - A usb Host on the second internal phy onpin PB13, PB14, and PB15 on a classic A connector This is not thesame use than the eval board where ST use an ULPI external phy I ported the MSC host example codefrom V2.0.0/ 22-July-2011If I use an adaptator for mini AB to A for my USB key everything works on the first USB.On the second usb the enumeration is OK but the programm is locked when it try to explore the disk.I use the compilation option USE_USB_OTG_HS and USE_EMBEDDED_PHYIs it possible that there is a mistake on the USB driver because this phy can not be tested on the eval board ?Does anyone have succefuly use this internal phy ?Thanks #stm32f207-usb2011-10-24 8:13 AM
Finally it was a
USB driver bug for this phy
St have fixed it.2011-10-25 1:35 AM
2011-10-25 2:47 AM
Find attached the file corrected by st
________________ Attachments : usbh_msc_bot.c : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HtXG&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000aRP%2Fmxf0gT9981n1RADG6S3IXMP0QB83q7QUVuKGbr9vRxg&asPdf=false2011-10-27 9:58 PM
Thank you. It works fine.
Regards VRK SP Rao