2013-08-01 1:33 AM
I need to store a byte array in the STM32F205 flash memory. I've followed an approach that was working on a STM32F103 mcu, but now it doesn't work anymore.The problem is that the first call to the FLASH_ProgramByte works correctly and returns FLASH_COMPLETE, but int the next iteration of the loop it returns FLASH_ERROR_PROGRAM.My code is the following:#define FLASH_SECTOR_BASE_ADDRESS 0x080c0000
int WriteArray(const uint8_t * dataBuffer, uint32_t dataSize, uint32_t dataAddressOffset){ uint32_t tempAddress; FLASH_Status result; /* Compute temporary address */ tempAddress = FLASH_SECTOR_BASE_ADDRESS + dataAddressOffset; /* Unlock flash memory */ FLASH_Unlock(); /* Clear pending flags (if any) */ FLASH_ClearFlag(FLASH_FLAG_EOP | FLASH_FLAG_OPERR | FLASH_FLAG_WRPERR | FLASH_FLAG_PGAERR | FLASH_FLAG_PGPERR | FLASH_FLAG_PGSERR); /* Copy data into flash memory */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) { /* Program byte */ result = FLASH_ProgramByte(tempAddress, dataBuffer[i]); if (result != FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* Lock flash memory */ FLASH_Lock(); return FALSE; } tempAddress++; } /* Lock flash memory */ FLASH_Lock(); return TRUE;}I've also tried with FLASH_ProgramHalfWord() with an address increment of 2 and with FLASH_ProgramWord() with an address increment of 4, but the problem is the same.Thank you for your helpMarco2014-09-17 2:19 AM
My problem was exactly the same.I have changed the part of program:for (i = 0; i < intSizeToWrite; i++){ FLASH_ProgramByte(uint32Address + i, uint8BackupBuffer[i]); if (uint8BackupBuffer[i] != *(__IO uint8_t *) (uint32Address + i)) { FLASH_Lock(); return WRITE_RESULT_WRITE_NOT_SUCCESS; } // if (My_FLASHStatus != FLASH_COMPLETE) // { // FLASH_Lock(); // return WRITE_RESULT_WRITE_NOT_SUCCESS; // }}And this work for me. I wrote this replay to this old post, because I don't find any other post that matches to my problem, that I have ''solved'', but do not understand why.My environment: STM32F405VG, STLinkV2, periph. lib. is V1.3.0, compiler and debugger em::blocks.2014-09-17 4:54 AM
I wrote this replay to this old post, because I don't find any other post that matches to my problem, that I have ''solved'', but do not understand why.
Well your code fragment never sets My_FLASHStatus, but one might presume that a write might fail if the flash array has not been erased before you attempt to write, or rewrite, data to it.2014-09-18 4:09 AM
Thank you very much for pointing to my error. I have attached full source code of my subroutine - for those who will be interested to use my achievement.
Best regards. ________________ Attachments : MyWriteByteBufferToFlashMemory.c : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0bZ&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000beO%2FBZqrTgFBXqAdDNExNdr3OBh.3s8PsQVUAyqLzABptf0&asPdf=false