2023-09-06 3:36 AM
I get an issue with the USB HOST configured on my STM32F2
This USB HOST driver works well in my case, but it appears that the interrupt OTG_HS_IRQHandler is called too frequently (when I plug a device on the USB HOST post) and it's flooding my CPU, resulting by consuming about 40% of my CPU usage (checked on my oscilloscope).
I've already had the same issue when working on a STM32H7, and reading the post https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus-products/stm32f4-stm32f7-usb-host-core-interrupt-flood/td-p/436225 helped to found this ST driver hack to fix this issue. The hack consist of re-enable NAK interrupt in HAL_HCD_IRQHandler
When doing the same hack in the STM32F2 driver, the issue is not fixed :
/* Handle Host SOF Interrupts */
/* workaround for the interrupts flood issue: re-enable NAK interrupt */
for (i = 0U; i < hhcd->Init.Host_channels; i++) USBx_HC(i)->HCINTMSK |= USB_OTG_HCINT_NAK;
Do you have ideas of how I can fix this CPU load overhead?