2009-07-03 9:11 AM
STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library 3.1.0
2011-05-17 4:15 AM
was released in the last few days. See the help (.chm) in the package for the release notes. Most changes appear to be to support the new connectivity line of devices. Edit: A few days ago I recompiled a project written using v3.0.0 of the library and came across only one issue. The constants FALSE and TRUE are now defined in stm32f10x.hCode:
<BR>typedef enum {FALSE = 0, TRUE = !FALSE} bool; <BR>
which caused an error since I'd defined those in one of my headers. That was simply fixed 8-) [ This message was edited by: swhite on 28-06-2009 23:15 ]2011-05-17 4:15 AM
Well, after a few hours of porting one of our simpler projects over from 2.0.3 ... I can't answer your specific question but ST does have this guide2011-05-17 4:15 AM
I've also got the Error: selected processor does not support `strex r3,r3,[r2]' Build failed when using the firmware library 3.0. My toolchain comes from Hitex and is also based on GCC. I've got rid of the problem by using another precompiled package of GCC:http://www.gnuarm.org/files.html
When you install this version, you have to adapt the path to the compiler, the name of the compiler etc. in your settings. P:S.: Have you asked Rowley if there is a new version of the compiler available? You are working with GCC 4.1.1. The version from www.gnuarm.org that I've used is 4.3.1 Regards, Florian2011-05-17 4:15 AM
Well, after a few hours of porting one of our simpler projects over from 2.0.3, my time and effort resulted in....
Build active project �? 1.1 seconds �? 1 error Building “doodad42_v1� in configuration “Dev_Debug� �? 1 error Compiling core_cm3.c �? 1 error S:/play/STM32/products/doodad42_v1/build/Dev_Debug/intermediate/\s3ms.8k: Assembler messages: Error: selected processor does not support `strex r3,r3,[r2]'Build failedI'm using Rowley Crossworks 1.7 and GCC 4.1.1 Has anyone else experienced a similar problem? v2.0.3 certainly doesn't have this problem, but then it doesn't use the inline assembly as is done in core_cm3.c Thanks [ This message was edited by: darcy.williams on 28-06-2009 21:44 ]
2011-05-17 4:15 AM
Hi Florian;
I use the same debugger environment, HiTop, and don't have a clue how to use the new library, did you just change the path to the gcc files or paste them to the HiTop GNU directory. I was throwing the towel and stick with the older version as there are not templates for HiTop in the new library.2011-05-17 4:15 AM
Hi rr_coello,
to use the new CMSIS compatible library with HiTOP, you have to - adapt the paths to the new library in your project - adapt your program to the new CMSIS structure (see AN2953: How to migrate from the STM32F10xxx firmware library V2.0.3 to the STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library V3.0.0) - adapt the HiTOP linker description file ''main.ld'' I've attached a simple program, which a colleague has created. I hope this is helpful for you... Regards, Florian2011-05-17 4:15 AM
Thanks a lot for the response, even the Hitop project files are configured for the cortino tool (I have the usb stick) I think I'll figure out how to make it work from the project you sent. Again, thanks Rafael2011-07-15 4:08 AM
Hi Florian,
Could be possible to get that example program for HItop and the new library? Thanks a lot!2011-07-16 4:05 AM
The current version of Rowley Crossworks (2.1) uses GCC4.6.0
But you have to pay to upgrade from Crossworks 1.x to 2.x So I too am stuck with 1.7 until I can find the business need to justify upgrading. (Maybe when I'm forced to abandon my old Windows XP machine)