2010-11-30 7:56 AM
2011-05-17 5:16 AM
Hi Gerardo,
I think that you are using an old version of ST library. In the that I am working with there is no ''stm32f10x_lib'' etc.... Herzlich, MCU Lüfter2011-05-17 5:16 AM
I know it but I think that isn´t a great disaventage or trouble.
The ST library is the new. The way to access to it, it´s old. But it doesn´t matter. In the examples of IAR v5.4 we have STM32f10x_vector.c in code and in v6.10 examples there´s a new way of do it, but in concept is the same thing, done in different way. The ST library isn´t matter with it here lowpower. 1.-Does any one know about stm32f10x_vector.c? 2.-How can I do, or know to modify with differents microcontrollers? I want to know which things in datasheet i have to see to modify this file.2011-05-17 5:16 AM
''The ST library is the new. The way to access to it, it´s old.''
No! The library is new and it has a new way to access it!
The file structure is (somewhat) different: there are files that were in the old library, but are not in the new one - and vice versa.
I have been caught-out by this!2011-05-17 5:16 AM
I´ve copied STM32f10xFWLIB complety. In the new examples, there is not stm32f10x_lib.h. In this file, the code includes some ST libraries header files, if they are been used, with stm32f10_conf.h. In the new one the own stm32f10_conf.h includes this header files.
But the src and inc folders of ST LIBRARIES why cant i use them???