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STM32F10x interrupt example question

Carter Lee
Associate III
Posted on September 04, 2017 at 05:42


Currently I'm trying to understand about STM32F10x's interrupt.

So I've got some snippet code as the below,0690X000006041IQAQ.jpg

USART1's IRQ number is 37.

// interrupt example snippet code //

unsigned int vector_table_start_addr = *(unsigned int *)0xE000ED08 ; // VTOR register OK.

*(unsigned int *)(vector_table_start_addr + (16+37)x4 ) = UART_Handler; // cf) UART_Handler set ??

*(unsigned char *)(0xE000E400+37) = prio;

unsigned int offset = (unsigned int)(37/32)*4;

unsigned int bitpos = (unsigned int (37%32);

*(unsigned int *)(0xE000E100+offset) &= ~(1<<bitpos);

Q1. what does (16+37)x4 mean in *(unsigned int *)(vector_table_start_addr + (16+37)x4 ) = UART_Handler; ??

Would you please let me know how does it come from? and how to understand it?

Q2. How does it get 

0xE000E400 and 0xE000E100 address number from *(unsigned char *)(0xE000E400+37) = prio;  and  

*(unsigned int *)(0xE000E100+offset) &= ~(1<<bitpos);

Would you please let me know how does it come from? and how do I understand it?

Posted on September 04, 2017 at 06:16

There are 16 slots for 'System Handlers' which are generated via the SCB, the remaining interrupts are generated via the NVIC. The NVIC design maximum is 240 interrupts. ie 240+16 = 256

Each 32-bit register is 4 bytes wide, this is where the *4 comes from. The USART1 interrupt is number 37, and has to index past the 16 system handlers in the vector table, thus the addition.

Look at a listing file when assembling the startup_stm32f10x.s file

The priority registers in the NVIC are 8-bit wide, the USART1 priority is 37 bytes into the priority register array.

The 37/32 gets you an offset into a 32-bit register file, the *4 gets you from a byte index to a word index, the bitpos 37%32 gets you a bit position within the selected 32-bit register holding the enable bit.

Look at the NVIC documentation in the ARM Technical Reference Manual for the Cortex-M3, understand the bit, byte and word representation of registers with the processors address space.

The example assumes the vector table is in RAM

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Posted on September 04, 2017 at 09:18

Hi Clive,

I came across the below such as Interrupt Set-enable Register.

and There are 8 Interrupt set-enable registers NVIC_ISER0~7.


But I'm wondering what if I want use interrupt function then should I have to choice the one of 8 registers?

How can we know which NVIC_ISERx should we have to use?