2012-06-25 3:29 PM
Hi all,
I'm trying to use the CRC module in a STM32F107 using IAR EW and I'm not getting very far. I'm using the standard stm32f10x_crc.c library but looking in the debugger, any writes to CRC_DR or CRC_CR are being ignored and the registers are just showing zeros. Anybody come across anything similar? I'm sure it is something silly I'm doing wrong. However it is difficult to go wrong when your code is just the following: CRC_ResetDR();2012-06-25 4:39 PM
/* Enable CRC clock */
RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHBPeriph_CRC, ENABLE);2012-07-02 10:42 AM
Thanks Neo.
Simple when you know what you are doing. Pity it isn't mentioned in the CRC section of the manual..2012-07-02 10:42 AM
2012-07-02 11:32 AM
Simple when you know what you are doing. Pity it isn't mentioned in the CRC section of the manual..
Isn't everything? The examples in the firmware library, which while often not ideal, do provide a different perspective on the hardware. There are some other threads on the CRC unit. They made a number of poor choices in the design (32-bit only, not endian appropriate, etc). To be honest I can't see why it would even need it's own clock, I've built hardware CRC generators that function off a single latching clock, it isn't that hard.