2019-03-14 8:22 PM
Dear guys.
i have a problem.
I used the STM32F103VCT.
I control 3 color RGB LED using TIM1 PWM CH1~3
and i set the pwm parameter by CubeMX.
After set the pwm, the pwm function is good work, but other device - USART1 is not work and debug mode is automatically disconnected.
My hardware connection is below
i think the reason is PWM gpio remapping.
because after downloading the firmware and debugging the source step by step.
and the point of disconnect is PWM GPIO remammping function(
HAL_TIM_MspPostInit --> __HAL_AFIO_REMAP_TIM1_ENABLE() ==> at this point)
Maybe could you tell me the advice of this situiation.
thank you
2019-03-14 9:24 PM
USART1debug mode is automatically disconnected or its go in error handler ??