2017-05-11 12:19 AM
I've designed my project using STM32F103RBT6. I've connected two switches to PC10 and PA10.
Now I need external interrupt on both the swithes, but using cubeMX I'm able to set external interrupt to only one of the switches.
How can I set external interrupt to two switches PC10 and PA10 ??
Thank you
#stm-32 #gpio #stm32f103rbt6 ##interrupt2017-06-06 3:03 AM
hi, if I understood correctly.
There is nothing to do with the cubeMX,
You simply cannot do that.
External Interrupt can only work as followed:(from
As for registers, you may check AFIO_EXTICRx registers in 9.4.3
So, PC10 and
can only be the trigger source of EXTI10 exclusively.Good Luck!