2015-11-01 12:19 AM
Hello everyone,
I am making PCB with STM32F103R8T6 but I have problem with SWD. I connect PCB with ST Link Mini via SWD SWCLK <--> PA14SWDIO <--> PA13RST <--> NRSTSWIM <--> PB3GND <--> VCC3V3 <--> VDDIn Keil, it can recognize SW Device but I cannot download flash it say Flash Download failed - ''Cortex - M3''However, if I tried to erase full chip I can download flash but after ''Programming Done'' it shows Contents mismatch at: 08000000H (Flash=FFH Required=60H) !......Contents mismatch at: 08000063H (Flash=FFH Required=08H) !and then''Flash Download failed - ''Cortex - M3''''In this case, if I unplug power and plug power again PCB work.Can you give me some advise to solve my problem?Thank you very much.2015-11-10 2:04 AM
Hi trung_thanh.nguy.001,
I think that PB3 is not required for SWD configuration.You may refer to the schematic ofhttp://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/user_manual/CD00267113.pdf
for example to check the connections of STLink component.I recommend you also to connect using the STLink Utility and do some operations using its graphical interface.-Mayla-To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.