2018-03-23 1:54 AM
The difference between the product parameters and the sample power consumption of batch production is too great. It is found that the power consumption of the single chip is five times. How should I judge the STM32F103R8T6 I bought is real or fack?
2018-03-23 1:56 AM
my email is
2018-03-23 2:30 AM
The difference between the product parameters and the sample power consumption of batch production is too great. It is found that the power consumption of the single chip is five times.
You should be a bit more specific.
A custom board you designed ?
Perhaps you damaged it, or operate it out of specs ?
What are the actual and expected power consumptions (mA at which Vcc and which clock frequency) ?
2018-03-23 3:13 AM
The difference between the product parameters and the sample power consumption of batch production is too great.
What 'product parameters' are you referring to?
Power consumption is very much dependent on the application - so are you sure that your application is running under exactly the same conditions?
Are you sure you are measuring just the microcontroller current - not also other parts of your system?
If this is a custom PCB, do you get similar results on an ST board (Nucleo, Discovery, whatever) ?
2018-03-23 3:34 AM
,Could you please provide more explanation on your case, so that it will be easier to understand the issue?
1- Which power mode did you measured (voltage,frequency ,test parameters)?
2-What do you mean by '
product parameters '?
3-Please refer to the product
and tel us about the exact power mode that you are looked to?4-Are you using a custom board?
2018-03-23 4:09 AM