2008-05-11 10:25 PM
STM32F103C6T6-Flash Loader Demonstrator
2011-05-17 3:30 AM
> if erase or download are atempted by the loader the uP seems to jump out of boot mode and back into the programme that is already onboard
> a current spike ... during flash programming could trigger the BOR. but then why is it reading BOOT0 as low? > The idea of the push button is that it is held down during reset that explains it, now you can be almost sure that a reset is being triggered, and only when erasing or programming the flash, not when reading it. I keep thinking that the most probably cause is a BOR, secondary to a supply problem. I recommend that you check *again* that all supply pins (analog, battery, etc) are connected according to the ref manual recommendations. even low quality bypass capacitors could conceivably be the cause. > could you try the new v1.1 -alpha ... ? > this intially worked, i was able to erase one uP the new PC software has different timing and can trigger the problem at different times. (the other option is that you're reseting the chip yourself with a noisy reset signal or somthing. BTW, the flash loader doesn't enable the external oscillators at all.)2011-05-17 3:30 AM
Could you use the command line software instead posted here : http://www.st.com/mcu/forums-cat-6720-23.html&start=10 and let me know if you have the same issue. Cheers, STOne-32.2011-05-17 3:30 AM
We are experiencing the exactly same problem, on the same chip. Just tried Flash Loader version 1.1, and it does not help. With Flash Loader 1.1, we can see the following:
- if we select Erase option, and manually select the pages to erase, the erase procedure will finish - after that, when we open the window to manually select which pages to erase, we can see that all pages have READ protection enabled (red lock icon is displayed)2011-05-17 3:30 AM
My colleague has posted more detailed problem description to a separate thread, we will try the command line tool and reply there.
http://www.st.com/mcu/forums-cat-6811-23.html Thanks, Niksa2011-05-17 3:30 AM
I've been using the STM32 Command Line Loader, and it seems all is OK. My board has been having no problems with all the normal functions, erase/prog/verify ect! Thankyou very much for your help, hope to see a new GUI soon! Kind Regards Tom