2013-10-25 07:13 AM
I am using olimex kit of STM32F103RBT6 microcontroller. I am new in USB virtual COM programming. I am using STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib_V3.3.0 with Keil MDK-ARM 5.0 IDE. I opened the precompiled Virtual Com port project from library folder. In DEBUG tool I have selected STM3210b-eval and Rebuilt all files. I flashed the HEX file in my microcontroller. Then connected the kit USB port with PC. But nothing happening in device manager on PC side. So please suggest me why this in not working. #lmgtfy #metoo-maybe2013-12-27 11:22 AM
found, now it works, XP driver ..
2014-01-01 01:46 PM
I kindly ask you for the explanation. What about? I will try to describe now. I am not sure I will ask on right way but I am sure you will know what I wish to know. I know everything is on Internet but there are so many things. 1. Imagine I have USBCDC device: TXbyte:dataout(d0d4d7d1d2d3d5d6)& Rxbyte:datain(mixdata) & control bits in 3bytes with mixed data. 2. EPOUT(1) 1byte(Tx), EPIN(2)1byte(Rx), EPOUT(3)2bytes(CTRL), EPIN(4)3bytes everything described in descriptors with class CDC! and than attach Usb device to the PC. 3. After enumeration WinXP says: new COM port & put it on the Com port list with yellow mark ! & of course does not works, since here are my questions. - where are EP bytes for the USB transfer on XP ? how XP store USB trafic? my app. want to 'see' new com port as classic COM port, I need a driver between app. and EP bytes which fist has to arranges bits in my bytes up stream & down stream etc. I can write this task but.. it has to looks like a driver and finally .NFI file to install this driver .. how to ? I know almost nothing even can not ask on right way .. how this story works with HID's Where I can find a good explanation about what I am asking ? br2014-01-09 09:44 AM
I would like to test usb-wifi on my new stm32f4 .. please tell me where to download something like this :MDV-STM32F107-WiFi-examples regards me2014-01-09 09:55 AM
So use PUDN or CodeBus