2009-11-22 7:37 PM
stm32f101 and bootloader does not work ?
2011-05-17 4:31 AM
Did you checked all hardware connections for STM32 ( VDD , VDDA etc...), do not forget to reset the device as well. if you provide a screen-shot of the failure and schematics this will help me to debug your case. Cheers, STone-322011-05-17 4:31 AM
Hello all,
I tried to use bootloader for stm32f101cb chip. I connected FT2232 AD0 to PA10, AD1 to PA9 (USART1), set VccIO to 3.3V, connected VccIO and GND to STM32 chip. BOOT0 = 1 and BOOT1 = 0. Then there are 3 LEDs on PC13-15 on the board, crystal 7.37MHz and that is all. I downloaded Flash Loader Demonstrator 2.1, set 115200Bd, COM5 (where FT2232 resides) and even parity. But I can not connect to the STM32 chip. Can somebody confirm that bootloader works on this chip ? What did I do wrong ? Thank you in advance.2011-05-17 4:31 AM
Hello STone,
I have curently VDDA unconnected. All other Vss/Vdd pins are connected. Can it cause this problem ? I am going to try JTAG debugger to test if the device is not completely dead. Then I draw the schematic and send it to you together with the screenshot.2011-05-17 4:31 AM
That's It : VDDA is a must , it controls the PLL, PVD and all internal clocks including RC clock etc..
2011-05-17 4:31 AM
Hello STOne,
thank you for help, after connecting Vdda I can communicate with bootstrap. Thank you very much !