2012-07-11 06:30 AM
I am using an STM32F100RB and want to use the clock output MCO on GPIO PA8, so i have to set the GPIO to 'alternate function push-pull'. But I also want to use USART1 with TX on GPIO PA9 and RX on GPIO PA10. So far so good. But the clock output USART1_CK is also using GPIO PA8 when set to 'alternate function push-pull' and with USART1 set to enabled. I do not need the clock output of USART1, so I will disable it in USART1_CR2 via the CKEN bit. So can I us PA8 as MCO without having any conflict with USART1_CK, because it is switched to high-Z?2012-07-11 07:06 AM
2012-07-11 08:43 AM
ST really doesn't document the internal wiring, it's probably much more likely an OR combination from the AF output peripherals, and two wires/paths for TIM1_CH1 (ie TIM1_CH1_OUT and TIM1_CH1_IN)
If you don't use USART1 in synchronous mode and don't use TIM1 CH1 in an output mode, you'll get your MCO output.2012-07-11 10:44 PM
Thank You for your quick help.
I won't use USART1_CK nor TIM1_CH1 on PA8, so I will give it a try.