2014-06-17 3:41 AM
2014-06-17 4:19 AM
You never call EXTI_Configuration, the EXTIx_IRQHandler's don't clear the interrupt source.
You're USART output routine should front test TXE rather than back test it.2014-06-17 6:12 AM
2014-06-17 7:04 AM
Ok, so you've addressed one issue I raised. You still don't clear the interrupt source in the handler.
How are you debugging this? How do you know the interrupt is not entering? What is the nature of the input signal? Should it be floating? Pull down to ground, switch to supply?2014-06-17 7:38 AM
2014-06-17 3:05 PM
2014-06-17 3:15 PM
Yes, the clearing code looks Ok.
Can you diagram the circuit? Is this using a switch, or some other logic, could the signal bounce? How brief is the excursion of the signal? Could you reflect the pin states directly to an LED, and confirm the states transition as you expect.2014-06-18 3:54 AM
I have attached the circuit design to this reply. The signal cant have debounce because that is already been handled by another circuit. The T15 signal goes high for 2 - 3 seconds (then goes low) and T50 goes low and stays low . Initially when T50 goes high T15 becomes high (first interrupt - PA1 interrupt) too but as T15 goes low after 2 - 3 seconds, T50 doesnt. T50 is then requested to go low (second interrupt - PA0 interrupt). It should be noted from the circuit design I have attached that the T15 and T50 signals are inverted so if T50 is high, at the STM32 board end it will seem as low.
I hope this makes sense. Clive you think you can help? The PA1 interrupt occurs a few times but not every time whereas, PA0 interrupt does not occur at the falling edge. It sometimes randomly gets interrupts but at the rising edge. Any idea what can be causing this? ________________ Attachments : Circuit_Design.pdf : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0tD&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bf6%2FlhLX_f3HfAA1v7tkahgRdNpY34mFbWqbLKabvJJ6eHY&asPdf=false