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STM32F051 TIM2 counting way too fast?

Philipp Krause
Senior II
Posted on February 20, 2018 at 10:27

I'm trying to use TIM2 on the STM32F0-Discovery board (I am new to the STM32, but have used the STM8 before).

I setup TIM2 and USART1, then in a loop I send the value of TIM2_CNT via the USART1, so I can see how TIM2 counts. Since the USART1 stuff is working at the intended 9600 baud, I am confident that the basic clock setup is there and the STM32F0 is running at 8 Mhz.

However, I see TIM2_CNT count at about 50 Mhz, no matter the value of TIM2_PSC.

Here is my initialization code:

&sharpinclude <stdint.h>

&sharpdefine TIM2_BASE    0x40000000

&sharpdefine TIM2_CR1    (*(volatile uint16_t *)(TIM2_BASE + 0x00))

&sharpdefine TIM2_CNT    (*(volatile uint32_t *)(TIM2_BASE + 0x24))

&sharpdefine TIM2_PSC    (*(volatile uint16_t *)(TIM2_BASE + 0x28))

&sharpdefine RCC_BASE    0x40021000

&sharpdefine RCC_APB2ENR    (*(volatile uint32_t *)(RCC_BASE + 0x18))

&sharpdefine RCC_APB1ENR    (*(volatile uint32_t *)(RCC_BASE + 0x1c))

&sharpdefine GPIOA_BASE    0x48000000

&sharpdefine GPIOA_MODER    (*(volatile uint32_t *)(GPIOA_BASE + 0x00))

&sharpdefine GPIOA_AFRH    (*(volatile uint32_t *)(GPIOA_BASE + 0x24))

&sharpdefine USART1_BASE    0x40013800

&sharpdefine USART1_CR1    (*(volatile uint32_t *)(USART1_BASE + 0x00))

&sharpdefine USART1_BRR    (*(volatile uint32_t *)(USART1_BASE + 0x0c))

&sharpdefine USART1_ISR    (*(volatile uint32_t *)(USART1_BASE + 0x1c))

&sharpdefine USART1_TDR    (*(volatile uint32_t *)(USART1_BASE + 0x28))

void init(void)


    RCC_AHBENR |= (1ul << 17); // Enable I/O A

    RCC_APB2ENR |= (1ul << 14); // Enable USART1

    RCC_APB1ENR |= (1ul << 0); // Enable Timer 2

    // Use PA9, PA10 for USART instead of GPIO.

    GPIOA_MODER |= (0x2ul << 18) | (0x2ul << 20);

    GPIOA_AFRH |= (0x1ul << 4) | (0x1ul << 8);

    // 9600 baud, 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit.

    USART1_BRR = 8000000 / 9600;

    USART1_CR1 = 0xd;

    // Set timer to 1000 ticks per second?

    TIM2_PSC = 8000;

    TIM2_CR1 = (1ul << 0);



#stm32f0 #tim2 #timer

Accepted Solutions
Posted on February 20, 2018 at 10:56


The prescaler is - in ST's parlance - preloaded, which means, that the value from PSC won't get used until Update event (i.e. 'overflow') occurs. As TIM2 is a 32-bit register and the reset value of ARR is 0xFFFFFFFF, even at 48MHz it takes cca 90 seconds until this happens. You can force an update by setting TIMx_EGR.UG (but that then sets the TIMx_SR.UIF which in turn fires an interrupt if enabled, this often confuses newbies as the 'libraries' do exactly this).

Please get a debugger, GDB+OpenOCD will do with the STLink onboard the Discos. Observe TIM2 behaviour from there (yes the debugger is intrusive, due to HW-triggers-upon-read registers e.g. the CCxIF bits in TIMx_SR, but for this simple purpose it's fine).


PS What in the licence of device headers ([Cube or SPL]\Drivers\CMSIS\Device\ST\[STM32xxxxx]\Include\) makes you feel them being not free? Not using them (symbols and constants from there) just adds another layer of uncertainty.

View solution in original post

Posted on February 20, 2018 at 10:56


The prescaler is - in ST's parlance - preloaded, which means, that the value from PSC won't get used until Update event (i.e. 'overflow') occurs. As TIM2 is a 32-bit register and the reset value of ARR is 0xFFFFFFFF, even at 48MHz it takes cca 90 seconds until this happens. You can force an update by setting TIMx_EGR.UG (but that then sets the TIMx_SR.UIF which in turn fires an interrupt if enabled, this often confuses newbies as the 'libraries' do exactly this).

Please get a debugger, GDB+OpenOCD will do with the STLink onboard the Discos. Observe TIM2 behaviour from there (yes the debugger is intrusive, due to HW-triggers-upon-read registers e.g. the CCxIF bits in TIMx_SR, but for this simple purpose it's fine).


PS What in the licence of device headers ([Cube or SPL]\Drivers\CMSIS\Device\ST\[STM32xxxxx]\Include\) makes you feel them being not free? Not using them (symbols and constants from there) just adds another layer of uncertainty.