2017-12-26 7:13 AM
Hello everyone ..
I have an important question ..
I am designing a circuit with this MCU and I want it to be programmed via UART lines .. So for this , as far as I read the reference manual , I need to put it to the system memory mode .. Please correct me If I'm wrong , I think all I need to program it via UART as a list is ;
1. A jumper that draws BOOT0 pin to VDD level ...
2. A button that resets the NRST pin for communicating with Flash Loader Demonstrator Software of ST
3. UART lines ...
4. And of course a proper supply for the MCU (All VDDs and GNDs ..)
When I run the
Flash Loader Demonstrator
Software and click next all these are going to be sufficient to advance to the programming page ? What confuses me is the nBOOT1 bit of option register ... Is it automatically change to 1 ?
Thanks in advance ..
#stm32f030r8 #uart #via #flash #program