2017-08-10 1:39 AM
Hello to everyone. I am using Stm32f0 discovery (ST-Link) for the programmer. I will load the to external processor (STM32L011D3P6). I edited the Flash settings in Keil IDE. I get this error:
'' Debugger - Cortex M Error , No target connected ''
'' Flash Download fail ,Target DLL has been cancelled ''
Is the problem can be sourced from flash settings?
Can you help me please ? Thank you.
2017-08-10 2:11 AM
,please check your wirings and make sure external MCU has power.
Verify that jumpers for ST-Link are removed on your discovery board.
Best regards,
2017-08-10 3:48 AM
- Great. Your post helped me. I am also looking to program my STM32F030R8 with STM32F0 Discovery board. What are the connections required on my target mcu ?2017-08-10 8:10 AM
I've check it and problem is solved.Due to the connection error, the target processor feed was 1.5V. Now I can feed 3V. Thank you Tilen
2017-08-10 8:12 AM
Minimally SWDIO, SWCLK, and GND, would strongly recommend NRST also.
Reading the manuals and reviewing the schematics is also strongly recommended, host of information in them.
2017-08-10 8:15 AM
You must make JP2 connector is short current, CN2 socket is open current. Also, CN3 pins must be connected to processor.