2018-05-10 2:44 AM
Can I use STemWin + QSPIFlash by STM32CubeMX?
can only useSTemWin +
FMC SDRAM ?2018-05-10 5:46 AM
Using QSPI as a Frame Buffer?
2018-05-10 6:39 AM
,STemwin works only with RAM while QUADSPIFlash is a flash memory so it is not possible
2018-05-10 7:59 PM
Yes! how can I do that?
2018-05-10 8:06 PM
,But the 'LCD-TFT display controller (LTDC) on STM32 MCUs' have aparagraph write:
LTDC autonomously fetches the graphical data from the framebuffer (can be internalmemories such as internal Flash, internal SRAM or external memories such asFMC_SDRAM or Quad-SPI) and drives it to the display
or I u
nderstands wrong...?Thanks
2018-05-10 8:08 PM
ST says it can't. Even if it worked it would only be good for static images, so I don't really see the value.
You could presumably try on something like an STM32F746G-DISCO which has a QSPI on board.
Some of the L4+ series parts have more on-board RAM to support a frame buffer of some size.
2018-05-12 5:24 AM
Using '
' implies you want to interactively paint on the screen, draw lines, and text, etc.This is not quite the same as funneling a stream of data via the LTDC.
The QSPI when mapped into memory might well be somewhat viable, it has the potential to be slower, and soak bus bandwitdh, and for the display to tear if you need to interact with the QSPI memory device outside the memory-mapped mode.
It might be viable to display a bitmap logo at startup, but the use cases are limited. Is your use case a static frame, or what exactly?
Can you not just quickly demonstrate functionality to yourself using one of the DISCO or EVAL boards?
2018-05-13 7:45 PM
Thank you for answer my question!!!
I want to make a simple GUI and use touch panel,The GUI have some page and show some data,not too complicated and not have video。
So I want put the picture data to qspi , use STemwin to show the picture and control touch panel,but STM32CubeMX can't choose the STemWin without use SDRAM.....or I have wrong operation?
I have STM32F746GDISCOVERY & STM32F769IDISCOVERY ,I want to ues STemwin by STM32CubeMX to make a GUI.
My English is not very well,If have anything not clear please tell me.
2018-05-13 10:00 PM
Modify one of the LCD examples to pull frame buffer from QSPI
>>I want to use STemwin by STM32CubeMX to make a GUI.
So perhaps pretend you have a RAM based frame buffer, and then modify/add code to point that acesses a memory mapped QSPI image
2018-05-14 4:01 AM
Very thank for your
answer!! That is helpful !!
I find a papers 'Quad-SPI (QSPI) interface on STM32 microcontrollers'
5.1.2 Displaying images directly from the QSPI memory
Look like what I need !
I well try the
LCD examples! I hope I will succeed !
Very thank you !!