2017-09-26 8:56 AM
If I have .ioc project for a UFBGA176 and then I want to migrate to an LQFP144, is there a way to proceed with STM32CubeMX without loosing all the work in 'Configuration' tab?
In other words is there a way to separate pinout configuration from other configurations?
Thank you
2017-09-26 9:18 AM
You can migrate your project and load the current configuration to another compatible MCU. For that, p
lease follow steps in the
'Tutorial 5 :
exporting current project configuration to a compatible MCU'
Kind Regards
2017-10-31 11:11 AM
Yes, I know this command and I did an attempt before asking. My problem is that in the list of compatible MCU I have just UFBGA176 units while I need migration to an LQFP144 package unit of the same family.
Probably the exporting function miss the capability to migration from packages with different pin-count.
Did I get it right ?
Thank you