2015-07-26 12:49 PM
In a STM32F427/DP83848 PCB configuration, I am finding that the LWIP/Ethernet initialization is hanging at a statement waiting for the Software Reset to clear.
What specifically is the Ethernet MAC engine awaiting ? I read somewhere that subsequent to issuing the Software Reset, that the code should then select MII/RMII choice and then re-enable MAC clocks from the PHY. This would imply that some sort of Isolate command would be sent to the PHY prior to Software Reset, and then de-Isolate be issued subsequently. I do not see that sequence in the example code here, so I interested to know what has been learned about this initialization hang since these issues were initially posted. And specifically, what event(s) signals the MAC to exit Software Reset mode ? #dp83848 #software-reset #hang #init