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stm32cubemx + fatfs + sdio + dma ... ignored

jamal taheri
Associate II
Posted on December 29, 2016 at 15:25


my mcu is stm32f407,

why my program in HAL_SD_CheckWriteOperation hangup !?

tanks for replay.

ST Employee
Posted on December 29, 2016 at 15:39




Your issue description is general.Pleaseprovide more details andprecise the firmware version ofSTM32cubeF4 you are using. Is-It the last version?Do you get an error message?

You can add your code to clarify your case.

You can refer to SD example within STM32CubeF4 V1.0, hope this helps you.

Best Regards


When your question is answered, please close this topic by clicking "Accept as Solution".
Posted on December 29, 2016 at 20:01

Thanks imen.

MCU : STM32F407

STM32CubeMX 4.17.0

STM32Cube FW_F4 V1.13.1

I have a detailed example, using the STM32CubeMX to implement FatFs on SDIO that uses DMA like it.

Because, in STM32CubeMX implementation DMA for SDIO in FatFs unfortunately does not exist !!!

Help me please.

Posted on June 22, 2017 at 09:53

Actually now i am looking for sdio fatfs with DMA too. Do you have any progress with your project? I cant find a proper example or guide how to configure that. 

Posted on June 22, 2017 at 10:17

Stop using DMA ,use FIFO polling instead.

Posted on June 22, 2017 at 10:43

Why not use DMA for sdio fatfs? What if i have demanding application that computes a lot in realtime and also i need a lot of data to be transferred to the sd card? 

So you say one can not use DMA in sdio fatfs app with stm32? 
Posted on June 22, 2017 at 15:06

Given the forum traffic on the CubeMX/HAL SDIO implementation, I'd assume because it has a better chance of working.

The read/write speeds are highly dependent on the cards in question and size/alignment of the data transfers. Current SPL implementations I'm typically seeing 5-11 MBps writes, and 9-20 MBps reads, using DMA

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Posted on June 23, 2017 at 09:46

Thanks for your answer but: Do you have any material, guide, or something that would help me configure sdio fatfs with DMA? I would be very grateful.

Posted on July 21, 2017 at 14:56

Please check this topic:

Best regards
