2016-06-27 9:58 PM
1. Open DAC Configuration and set Data Width to ''Half Width'' .
2. Generate code. Generated stm32f7xx_hal_msp.c has following lines despite the ''Half Width'' setting. hdma_dac1.Init.PeriphDataAlignment = DMA_PDATAALIGN_BYTE; hdma_dac1.Init.MemDataAlignment = DMA_MDATAALIGN_BYTE;3. Open DAC Configuration. Data width seems to be ''Half Width'', but in DMA Configuration, it's changed to ''Byte''.2016-06-28 2:32 AM
Hi sakurai.hiroshi,
I'll report this issue to our MX team for checking. Sorry for the inconvenience it may bring.-Syrine-2016-07-04 9:44 AM
Dear user,
Please note this issue will be fixed with STM32CubeMX 4.16. Best regards