2015-11-02 10:32 AM
I acquainted with STM32CubeMX amd HAL Drivers for STM32F1, but I'm really some confused.For example SPI in HAL Drivers User Manual I find function HAL_SPI_Transmit()The thirdy parameters is TimeoutDocumentation say Timeout is Timeout duration , of what? Why and how OK I loot in function definition in line 400 of the xxxxx_SPI.cTimeout is used as parametrs in function SPI_WaitOnFlagUntilTimeout()Unfortunately, the documentation again say Timout duration and on line 2286 is Timout compared with HAL_MAX_DE''AY.What is HAL_MAX_DELAY I could find so far.Documentation is a bad joke.Is there any better documentation and examples described above function parameters?Rr how you can become familiar with the HAL layer Drivers?
2015-11-03 1:29 AM