2015-10-30 3:53 AM
I think the line 2577 of Drivers/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32f7xx_hal_rcc_ex.h should be:#define IS_RCC_PLLSAIP_VALUE(VALUE) ((VALUE) == RCC_PLLSAIP_DIV2) || (VALUE) == RCC_PLLSAIP_DIV4 || (VALUE) == RCC_PLLSAIP_DIV6 || (VALUE) == RCC_PLLSAIP_DIV8)
instead of
#define IS_RCC_PLLSAIP_VALUE(VALUE) ((2 <= (VALUE)) && ((VALUE) <= 8))
2015-10-30 6:12 AM
Hi lanconelli.claudio,
I will check this problem with our development team & come back to you.Sorry for the inconvenience it may bring.-Syrine-2015-11-04 2:00 AM
Hi lanconelli.claudio,
Your reported issue is confirmed by our team and will be fixed in coming release of the STM32cubeF7 package.Thank you very much for your contribution to the enhancement of our STM32 related solutions.-Syrine –