2016-08-12 1:48 AM
I was trying to configure HRTIM of STM32F334C8T of my STM32F3348DISCOVERY board with STM32Cube and encountered an issue. I set External Event 6 as: - Source : External Pin (source 1) - Polarity : high - Sensitivity : rising edge and I want to apply an external event filtering on this event of type Blanking with Latch enabled. The issue is that I cannot set latch enabled with an external pin source for external event but only latch disabled. I don't understand why this option is disabled, nothing in Reference Manual mentions that latch is not useable in this case and even ST example HRTIM_TM_PFC use this feature with external pin for external event. Is there a reason that the feature cannot be selected in this case in STM32Cube ? Thanks2016-08-12 4:42 AM
Hi gadeyne.thibault,
I have made a tet on the STM32CubeMx, and succseed to configure the filter og the external event source 6. I have attached the .ioc file for you . -Hannibal- ________________ Attachments : Test_F334_HRTIM_external_filter.ioc : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HtpA&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000aXJ%2F4BE22NdTPVhYmb7ZpW08LQIOAlEGsVlq.7uRfBKq0Z4&asPdf=false